LogPoint logotype, link to start page.

LogPoint Business Network

LogPoint Business Network (LBN) is the business association at the site. Every company based at LogPoint South Sweden is welcome to join the network. 70% of the companies in the area are currently members.

LogPoint Business Network enables the companies at LogPoint to exchange expertise as well as exert influence, grow and develop in a more efficient way. The companies based in the area benefit mutually from the expertise and diversity on site.

The network operates in a number of areas. There is a supervisors’ network which focuses on improving the standard of work environments, while the group also works with infrastructural and educational issues. Moreover, LBN organises local activities for everyone in the area. Special LogPoint days are organised with activities for the families of all employees, with the aim of boosting job satisfaction and motivation and bringing the area closer together.

Join LBN!

By filling this form, you approve that we use and store your contact details to add you to the business network and to inform you about LBN-related matters such as inviting you to LBN-meetings. We will handle and keep your contact detals as long as the company chooses to be a member in the network.

Membership fee at LBN

The membership fee is 200 SEK per year for companies with 0-10 employees, 500 SEK per year for companies with 11-50 employees and 1000 SEK per year for companies with more than 50 employees.


Main contact
Main contact

Company address
Company address

The main reason I want to be part of the network (select one or more alternatives) * (mandatory)
The main reason I want to be part of the network (select one or more alternatives)

  • "Strong marketing force"

    “LogPoint Business Network creates the power to promote the area collectively on both the domestic and international markets.”

    Per Sahlin, Key Account Manager, Aditro Logistics  

  • "Influence the area"

    “LogPoint Business Network creates conditions which enable the companies here to influence the development and future of the area.”

    Jeanette Hagberg, Site Manager at IKEA Torsvik